Wednesday 9 May 2007


I'm a 22 year old female and I'm studying Social Care and Social Policy. I think that this being bad module relates a little to other modules I am taking, because this module is a lot to do with bad behaviour and how it affects society which relates to my social care and social policy modules. I found 'Being Bad' at the appropriate level very interesting. Yes I think the list of topics was appropriate to study, there is lots of topics to include in Being Bad Ive done extras on my weblog. The format for classes has worked well, the module team was really good every one joined in grouped discussions. Probably would have been better do have more small group discussions as you can talk one to one to others about there views and opinions, the discussions as a group was good, more information and talk from lecturers would have been nice. Drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics is a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module. Yes interdisciplinary modules are a good idea and I have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module as it makes you think. I would love to see more modules that cover this subject area as it been my best my so far this year. I would love to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn't’t Be Allowed’ at level 2 if its in my choice for subjects and would recommend it to a friend. Yes weblog's are a brilliant idea I enjoyed doing it. I would have preferred a longer assessment instead of the other two assessments. I have learned more about what is being bad from not being bad, I found the film 'Kids' interesting and the weblog's useful as I felt I could express my views and opinions about topics in the module and read other peoples. I can't think of anything in the module that was a waste of time and have no other comments about 'Being Bad'.

Tuesday 8 May 2007

Bad Comedians

Referring to the lecture about bad comedians which was interesting. My best but bad comedian would be Bernie Mac.... now I'm not saying his not funny and don't like him I do, he makes you laugh and is really blatant a bit to blatant.

He swears a little to much in his performances precisely in every sentence he says. He doesn't care to say racist jokes and joke about how you have to beat children when they misbehave, in the black culture they will get the joke other cultures might find it offensive.

His still heavy though.

Monday 7 May 2007


Swearing is bad for a number of reasons. If we swear out of anger it shows a lack of control over our emotions. It also shows a lack of courtesy and respect to others. I normally think that someone who swears just doesn't have a large enough vocabulary to express their ideas properly.... or.. they just have a tough time controlling their temper and they can't think of anything else to say.
Swearing is a way of expressing your intelligence, if you had a high IQ you wouldn't feel a need to swear, you would know other words to express yourself with. When I see someone swearing constantly to me they look cheap and find it hard to give them respect, it certainly isn't impressive and offends lots of people.
I'm not going to lie that I never swear, but hardly, most likely I have in a confrontational situation as anger builds up inside and is a good way of 'letting go'. But I really try to avoid swearing, as I said it really looks cheap.

Sunday 6 May 2007


Being Blogger (Collymore, Lee)
Your entry binge drinking. I agree getting totally mashed out of your head with alcohol is silly. When I go out I drink to be merry and no my limits on how much to drink, I don't like the idea of not being able to walk straight when out because especially for a women it doesn't look good.

Saturday 5 May 2007


Shoplifting (Thompson, Jason)
Your entry about racism was good, racism still goes on in society today not so much direct but indirectly. I did watch big brother last year with Jade and Shilpa and I to was disgusted by how big brother allowed the racism to go on for so long in the show, but it was good that Jade lost her celebrity status when came out the house because it would have been wrong to support her when she was in the wrong and portrays herself as a nice person.

Sunday 29 April 2007


I think the only problem with gambling is when people take it to the next level. In general there is nothing wrong with gambling, it's when you spend money you don't have and you allow it to take over your life.
If you are spending your million dollar winnings on a bet as to whether or not it will rain the next day, that's a definite sign of a gambling problem. If you can enjoy the occasional trip to the casino, spending only an allotted amount of money, or a poker night with friends, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

The problem I have with organized gambling is that these businesses depend for their success not on the modest recreational gamblers but on the high rollers who bet big and lose big. They do not cut people off until they run out of money.
Gambling is disturbing because it exploits human weaknesses. The problem of exploiting human weaknesses is not unique to gambling. Credit card companies don't owe their success to the people who pay their bills off in full every month. They make big money on the people who carry high balances and make minimum payments.

Wednesday 25 April 2007


Drama Motel (Simone's weblog)

Check you out! Your entry on attitude girls is really funny and yeah there's a lot of girls out there with attitude. Would you say attitude is being bad, I think having attitude is just part of character.

Monday 23 April 2007

Tattoo's and Body Piercing

It seems everywhere I look now, I see tattoos or piercings, but it doesn't a meaningful tattoo or expressive piercing really mean a person is "bad". I Personally wouldn't really have a tattoo, I like them but don't like the idea of it permanently marking my body.

The reasons why people pierce some part of their body or get tattoos are endless. Some do it for self-expression, some just because they can. Still others do it simply for shock value.

Saturday 21 April 2007


Referring to your entry about bad cinema the film 'Kids' , I totally agree with you that the film is a part of every day life and how is shows the consequences of having unprotected sex. But I do think it was a bit to graphic and shouldn't have been released.

Friday 20 April 2007

Liar Liar!

Everybody lies. Even if its “white” lies, everyone tells lies or “omits the truth” sometimes. Admit it - you do as well. There is probably not a single person who has ever lived who has not once in there life told a falsehood or misrepresented the truth, regardless of whether it was unintentional or if they told it so that someone else's feelings would not be hurt - or if they did it for more sinister reasons.

Refering to in lecture speaking about is telling children about santa telling lies? Well I think it telling children false lies that their is a Santa... I think children should be told and reminded what the real meaning of Christmas is, which is celebrating the day that Jesus Christ was born.

I wouldn't say I'm a very good liar... people who really know me always can catch me out because I stutter or can never give full eye contact when I'm lying. To tell the truth when i think about it the only time's Ive really held a straight face and lied is to a moaning partner to shut them up.

Saturday 14 April 2007


Being Bad 4 (Ajmal, Sanah)

I like your entry about people committing suicide, it is an act of being selfish because you leave loved ones behind hurting and having to pick up the piece's. Its true life does get tough sometimes for everyone but we have to appreciate and enjoy life, there are people that are worse of than you are.

Thursday 12 April 2007

Bad Cinema

I found the film 'KIDS' very disturbing... I know this is whats happening in society today but to actually watch kids having sex and doing drugs is sick there's no morals. The good points to the film is that its a wake up call to parents of what their innocent children could be getting up to behind close doors.

An unpromiscuous young girl in the film caught HIV after a single incautious act and has to deal with this at a young age, this makes you more cautious about HIV and how important it is to be using precautions. I found the film ending even more disturbing when this young girl is raped by one of her friends (graphically) at a party while she is unconscious, in a room filled with teenagers.

I don't think this film should have been broad casted, it was like watching child pornography.

Monday 9 April 2007

Young and Pregnant

I think that under the age of 16 is definately a bad thing, but it really depends on the person. Some 17 or 18 year olds are mature enough to cope, support and look after a baby, some are not.

I dont agree that you have to be in a stable relationship to be able to cope though, just because the mothers are still teenagers, doesnt mean they cannot cope by themselves.

There are many women in their 20's or 30's or even older who cope as single mums, so the age factor shouldnt come in to it when thinking about whether or not a permanent partner should be in the picture.

I think the best thing as a parent to do to prevent your child from getting pregant is to educate them about sex and what it involves. Also to give them advize them to start taking precautions like contraception if you suspect there in a relationship and having sex.

Friday 6 April 2007


Female masturbation seems to intrigue a lot of people, maybe because they can't figure out how common it is, or how girls do it at all. I don't really know what proportion of girls masturbate, or how often, but I was surprised by the handouts in lecture on women masturbating its as bad as men. I also found it funny seeing how students in the lecture was embarrassed to admit if they have ever masturbated. And the people who wasn't afraid to admit the ages they started masturbating was very young and did it often as well. In the Victorians times masturbation was seen as a sin and I can't believe they thought it could actually kill you, still to today according to the bible masturbation is a sin.

Sunday 1 April 2007


Two-timing hurts. Even if it's just a one-off exciting one night stand, when people with partners go elsewhere for some physical kicks, everyone involved can suffer. But slapped faces, slanging matches and emotional pain aren't the only fallout when a person plays away. In fact, infidelity raises a number of questions...

  • Why did that person stray from their partner in the first place?

  • Why can't people be satisfied with one partner?

  • How should each of the three people involved approach the problem, once every thing's out in the open?

I think to commit adultery is an act of selfishness, scheming and hypocrisy. Just knowing others vulnerabilities and using them to ones owns advantage. There are many reasons why people cheat could be because they don't feel loved by their partner, having one partner is a bore, being charmed by another person or married with kids not happy but can't leave.

The way I've dealt with relationships in the past, where I've had an situations where I've felt attraction for someone else or realised my partner was more of a friend than a lover. I finished the relationship, I could have cheated but just don't have the heart to. I'm not judging people who have cheated we all have made mistakes but a person who repeatedly cheats has no remorse.

Saturday 24 March 2007

Is it prostitution to take money from someone who is expecting sex, but then not supply it?

A person who doesn't supply sex and takes money is not a prostitute, this is called an escort. An escort is someone paid to go on a date as a companion. A prostitute is someone who sells their body, exchanges sex for money.

Is it sociably respectable?
  • Could be because the person is not exactly selling their body.
  • Or could be less socially respectable because their taking money without supplying the sex and portraying themselves as a prostitute.

Is this Being Bad?

My opinion... for someone to pay an prostitute money without receiving sex is allowing that person to take them for a fool. It's not theft if the person hasn't said they would be supplying sex at the end of the night exchange for the money.

Thursday 22 March 2007

The Trip

I was a young carefree teenager when I thought that I could do whatever I wanted and not suffer the consequences. As an adult only now I can look back and see how wrong I i had a close shave.

I was dating a guy (young love) and I can honestly say I was easily mislead. He suggested a trip to London which would mean 'wagging' school. I coerced my friend into coming along also so that I would have a partner in crime. We lied to our parents as to why we would be coming home late and packed a bag with a change of clothes.

Full of excitement and enthusiasm we waitined patiently for our 'trip' to start.

We waited....

........and waited

....still waited.

I took initative and sneaked back home to call the boyfriend, spoke to him , to be left truly disappointed. We was not going to London after all....he said that he couldn't make it.
Now Im sure that was a blessing because i cannot fathom the trouble I would have got into if we had ended up in London on that day.

Wednesday 14 March 2007

Being Bad

Well, everyone will have their own perceptions on what is right and wrong. However, I believe a good generalization that represents what most people consider bad is simply this: if it hurts yourself, other people or the environment. Being bad is probably defined as following temptations you know are a bad idea and that will cause bad things to happen.
Being bad is also a perception and how society around us explains what is bad and what is good, so something bad to one person can be entirely good to another so it differs from person to person and from culture to culture....

Monday 12 March 2007

Poor me, Pour me another!!

Have you ever felt so low that all you think of is getting drunk to dull the pain. Do you ever feel so bored that you drink just because it is something to do. Even worst do you drink so that you feel confident and people will like you.

Is excessive drinking (binge drinking) a fashionable way of being called an alcoholic?

Alcoholism is the consumption of or preoccupation with alcoholic beverages to the extent that this behavior interferes with the alcoholic's normal personal, family, social, or work life. Alcohol consumption caused by alcoholism can result in psychological and physiological conditions, and ultimately in death. Alcoholism is one of the world's most costly drug use problems; with the exception of nicotine addiction, alcoholism is more costly to most countries than all other drug use problems combined.

In common usage, binge drinking is now usually used to refer to heavy drinking over an evening or similar time span - sometimes also referred to as heavy episodic drinking. Binge drinking is often associated with drinking with the intention of becoming intoxicated and, sometimes, with drinking in large groups. It is sometimes associated with physical or social harm.

Saturday 10 March 2007

I'll do anything for bar of chocolate......

My sister and I was reminiscing the other day and she told me a story...

We had been sent to the shop by our mother and I had asked my sister for some sweets but she told me no. Now I must of not been satisfied by that answer because when my sister had looked back at me I was acting shifty and guilty.
I had decided that I wanted the chocolate no matter what.
I had become a petty criminal.
My sister asked me what was I hiding behind my back and in my shock I dropped the chocolate on the floor, but since I was only five years old the shopkeeper only laughed at me and sent me on my way.

But that wasn't the end of my shoplifting day.........stay tuned.

Thursday 8 March 2007

My first cigarette.

My first ever cigarette was when I was fifteen years old. I was in school and I can admit that It was only down to peer pressure why I took a puff. It was the most disgusting thing I can say I've put in my mouth. But no I wanted to be like the cool kids so I continued puffing along filling my lungs with poison.

When I would get home I dont think my mother could smell it on me, being a smoker herself, so there was nobody to tell me that I was committing a crime on my health.

When I did finally realised that the horrible smell on my fingers was there to stay and that running for the bus was leaving me breathless, I knew It wasnt worth the time.

So I picked up the courage to say no the next time I was offered a "fag", only to be told i was a "wimp".....Well who needs enemies with friends like them.