Saturday 14 April 2007


Being Bad 4 (Ajmal, Sanah)

I like your entry about people committing suicide, it is an act of being selfish because you leave loved ones behind hurting and having to pick up the piece's. Its true life does get tough sometimes for everyone but we have to appreciate and enjoy life, there are people that are worse of than you are.

Thursday 12 April 2007

Bad Cinema

I found the film 'KIDS' very disturbing... I know this is whats happening in society today but to actually watch kids having sex and doing drugs is sick there's no morals. The good points to the film is that its a wake up call to parents of what their innocent children could be getting up to behind close doors.

An unpromiscuous young girl in the film caught HIV after a single incautious act and has to deal with this at a young age, this makes you more cautious about HIV and how important it is to be using precautions. I found the film ending even more disturbing when this young girl is raped by one of her friends (graphically) at a party while she is unconscious, in a room filled with teenagers.

I don't think this film should have been broad casted, it was like watching child pornography.

Monday 9 April 2007

Young and Pregnant

I think that under the age of 16 is definately a bad thing, but it really depends on the person. Some 17 or 18 year olds are mature enough to cope, support and look after a baby, some are not.

I dont agree that you have to be in a stable relationship to be able to cope though, just because the mothers are still teenagers, doesnt mean they cannot cope by themselves.

There are many women in their 20's or 30's or even older who cope as single mums, so the age factor shouldnt come in to it when thinking about whether or not a permanent partner should be in the picture.

I think the best thing as a parent to do to prevent your child from getting pregant is to educate them about sex and what it involves. Also to give them advize them to start taking precautions like contraception if you suspect there in a relationship and having sex.