Saturday, 5 May 2007


Shoplifting (Thompson, Jason)
Your entry about racism was good, racism still goes on in society today not so much direct but indirectly. I did watch big brother last year with Jade and Shilpa and I to was disgusted by how big brother allowed the racism to go on for so long in the show, but it was good that Jade lost her celebrity status when came out the house because it would have been wrong to support her when she was in the wrong and portrays herself as a nice person.

Sunday, 29 April 2007


I think the only problem with gambling is when people take it to the next level. In general there is nothing wrong with gambling, it's when you spend money you don't have and you allow it to take over your life.
If you are spending your million dollar winnings on a bet as to whether or not it will rain the next day, that's a definite sign of a gambling problem. If you can enjoy the occasional trip to the casino, spending only an allotted amount of money, or a poker night with friends, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

The problem I have with organized gambling is that these businesses depend for their success not on the modest recreational gamblers but on the high rollers who bet big and lose big. They do not cut people off until they run out of money.
Gambling is disturbing because it exploits human weaknesses. The problem of exploiting human weaknesses is not unique to gambling. Credit card companies don't owe their success to the people who pay their bills off in full every month. They make big money on the people who carry high balances and make minimum payments.