Friday 6 April 2007


Female masturbation seems to intrigue a lot of people, maybe because they can't figure out how common it is, or how girls do it at all. I don't really know what proportion of girls masturbate, or how often, but I was surprised by the handouts in lecture on women masturbating its as bad as men. I also found it funny seeing how students in the lecture was embarrassed to admit if they have ever masturbated. And the people who wasn't afraid to admit the ages they started masturbating was very young and did it often as well. In the Victorians times masturbation was seen as a sin and I can't believe they thought it could actually kill you, still to today according to the bible masturbation is a sin.

Sunday 1 April 2007


Two-timing hurts. Even if it's just a one-off exciting one night stand, when people with partners go elsewhere for some physical kicks, everyone involved can suffer. But slapped faces, slanging matches and emotional pain aren't the only fallout when a person plays away. In fact, infidelity raises a number of questions...

  • Why did that person stray from their partner in the first place?

  • Why can't people be satisfied with one partner?

  • How should each of the three people involved approach the problem, once every thing's out in the open?

I think to commit adultery is an act of selfishness, scheming and hypocrisy. Just knowing others vulnerabilities and using them to ones owns advantage. There are many reasons why people cheat could be because they don't feel loved by their partner, having one partner is a bore, being charmed by another person or married with kids not happy but can't leave.

The way I've dealt with relationships in the past, where I've had an situations where I've felt attraction for someone else or realised my partner was more of a friend than a lover. I finished the relationship, I could have cheated but just don't have the heart to. I'm not judging people who have cheated we all have made mistakes but a person who repeatedly cheats has no remorse.