Saturday 10 March 2007

I'll do anything for bar of chocolate......

My sister and I was reminiscing the other day and she told me a story...

We had been sent to the shop by our mother and I had asked my sister for some sweets but she told me no. Now I must of not been satisfied by that answer because when my sister had looked back at me I was acting shifty and guilty.
I had decided that I wanted the chocolate no matter what.
I had become a petty criminal.
My sister asked me what was I hiding behind my back and in my shock I dropped the chocolate on the floor, but since I was only five years old the shopkeeper only laughed at me and sent me on my way.

But that wasn't the end of my shoplifting day.........stay tuned.

Thursday 8 March 2007

My first cigarette.

My first ever cigarette was when I was fifteen years old. I was in school and I can admit that It was only down to peer pressure why I took a puff. It was the most disgusting thing I can say I've put in my mouth. But no I wanted to be like the cool kids so I continued puffing along filling my lungs with poison.

When I would get home I dont think my mother could smell it on me, being a smoker herself, so there was nobody to tell me that I was committing a crime on my health.

When I did finally realised that the horrible smell on my fingers was there to stay and that running for the bus was leaving me breathless, I knew It wasnt worth the time.

So I picked up the courage to say no the next time I was offered a "fag", only to be told i was a "wimp".....Well who needs enemies with friends like them.