Wednesday 9 May 2007


I'm a 22 year old female and I'm studying Social Care and Social Policy. I think that this being bad module relates a little to other modules I am taking, because this module is a lot to do with bad behaviour and how it affects society which relates to my social care and social policy modules. I found 'Being Bad' at the appropriate level very interesting. Yes I think the list of topics was appropriate to study, there is lots of topics to include in Being Bad Ive done extras on my weblog. The format for classes has worked well, the module team was really good every one joined in grouped discussions. Probably would have been better do have more small group discussions as you can talk one to one to others about there views and opinions, the discussions as a group was good, more information and talk from lecturers would have been nice. Drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics is a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module. Yes interdisciplinary modules are a good idea and I have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module as it makes you think. I would love to see more modules that cover this subject area as it been my best my so far this year. I would love to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn't’t Be Allowed’ at level 2 if its in my choice for subjects and would recommend it to a friend. Yes weblog's are a brilliant idea I enjoyed doing it. I would have preferred a longer assessment instead of the other two assessments. I have learned more about what is being bad from not being bad, I found the film 'Kids' interesting and the weblog's useful as I felt I could express my views and opinions about topics in the module and read other peoples. I can't think of anything in the module that was a waste of time and have no other comments about 'Being Bad'.

Tuesday 8 May 2007

Bad Comedians

Referring to the lecture about bad comedians which was interesting. My best but bad comedian would be Bernie Mac.... now I'm not saying his not funny and don't like him I do, he makes you laugh and is really blatant a bit to blatant.

He swears a little to much in his performances precisely in every sentence he says. He doesn't care to say racist jokes and joke about how you have to beat children when they misbehave, in the black culture they will get the joke other cultures might find it offensive.

His still heavy though.

Monday 7 May 2007


Swearing is bad for a number of reasons. If we swear out of anger it shows a lack of control over our emotions. It also shows a lack of courtesy and respect to others. I normally think that someone who swears just doesn't have a large enough vocabulary to express their ideas properly.... or.. they just have a tough time controlling their temper and they can't think of anything else to say.
Swearing is a way of expressing your intelligence, if you had a high IQ you wouldn't feel a need to swear, you would know other words to express yourself with. When I see someone swearing constantly to me they look cheap and find it hard to give them respect, it certainly isn't impressive and offends lots of people.
I'm not going to lie that I never swear, but hardly, most likely I have in a confrontational situation as anger builds up inside and is a good way of 'letting go'. But I really try to avoid swearing, as I said it really looks cheap.

Sunday 6 May 2007


Being Blogger (Collymore, Lee)
Your entry binge drinking. I agree getting totally mashed out of your head with alcohol is silly. When I go out I drink to be merry and no my limits on how much to drink, I don't like the idea of not being able to walk straight when out because especially for a women it doesn't look good.